If you are planning to start collecting scrap metal for extra cash, it helps to know some of the places to find it. Here are some good sources for copper.


You may be surprised at how much copper can be found in old wires that are being thrown away. One thing to keep in mind is how the wire is classified. The copper used for electrical wiring is going to be worth more than low voltage ethernet and telephone cables, so make sure to separate the two since scrapyards pay different rates for them. Coax cables used for televisions are not worth much since the wire is only coated in copper.

Roofing Material

Know somebody who is replacing a copper roof? This is a good opportunity to offer to haul away the old roofing material. All of that copper has a value to it, especially if it is clean of other materials used to attach it to the roof. You could be doing somebody a favor by hauling away their old roofing material, and you can make a profit on it at the same time. 


Many electronics have copper within them that is worth some money. Even an old television set that is not usable anymore can have some copper wires within it that can be scrapped for cash. Old CRT TVs are known to have a lot more copper components within them that are worth some money, even though the TVs are outdated and not worth anything these days.


There are many plumbing elements that are made of copper, which makes plumbing waste worth looking for in order to find those valuable parts. Old copper pipes are going to be worth picking up as well as copper fittings used to join pieces together. If someone recently did a plumbing replacement job in their home, they likely have some copper waste that they are getting rid of.

Kitchen Pots And Pans

People often throw away old kitchen pots and pans when they replace them with new material even though the old material can be worth a bit of cash. Older pans that are made out of copper are going to be thin and beat up but still valuable. Just make sure to remove any handles or parts that are made with a different type of metal since scrap metal must be separated when turning it in.

For more information, reach out to a company that provides copper recycling
